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7. Use the Demo

Accessing and Using Demo#

In the codespace, switch to the Ports tab. Right click port 30100 and choose Open in Browser

ports open in browser

A new browser tab will open and you should see the demo.

application user interface

Type the name of a destination (eg. Vienna) into the search bar and click the Advise button.

What Happens Next?#

  • The application will request information for your destination from OpenAI using ChatGPT 4o mini.
  • A result will be returned from OpenAI
  • The result is cached in the weviate vector cache

If you search for Vienna again, this time, the re1sult will be served from the cache - saving you the roundtrip (time and $) to OpenAI / ChatGPT.

Customer Feedback#

Click the 👍 and / or 👎 buttons to indicate your satisfaction level of the result.

Clicking these icons will log a message. This log line is then retrieved and processed using DQL in the "User Sentiment Analysis" section of the dashboard.

>> Click here to continue with the exercise#

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